Frequently Asked Questions Self-Propelled Agricultural Equipment
How to use Autonomous Equipment in the Vineyard.

Executive Summary:  Autonomous agricultural equipment may be used in a vineyard when no employees are present and therefore there is no employee exposure to any associated workplace hazard.  It is important to take effective measures to prevent employee access to the areas surrounding the autonomous agricultural equipment when in use and document such measures and the specific areas where employees are working.  It is advisable to consult with your HR professional and Cal/OSHA legal counsel to examine the specifics of your vineyards, the equipment in use, and the work being conducted by your employees.

The Issue:  The use of autonomous agricultural equipment is becoming more and more appealing for several reasons – including that the equipment enables precision viticulture, is better for the environment, and is safer for the workforce.  However, there is a potential challenge in how to use the equipment under California workplace safety regulations, which require that any self-driving tractor or other self-propelled equipment have a driver onboard at the controls of the tractor when it is in operation.

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